Letter from Jo French, new Children's Church director

Hello everyone! 

My name is Jo French, and I am the new Children’s Church director. I am excited to see everyone who is able to attend church on August 29th to celebrate and pray for the upcoming school year! I would love to introduce myself and welcome young community members to Children’s Church (you won’t miss me- I’m the one with pink hair).

Children’s Church (CC) is a work in progress. I hope we can discover a name for our group together, to create a sense of ownership. Currently the plan is to begin CC at 10am on 9/12 and to conclude before service at 10:30. I hope to use the time before and after CC to touch base with adult family members and maintain a flow of communication.

In case we have not met in person yet, here is a short CV-style introduction: I obtained a B.A. in English and Classics (Latin) from UVa, and I am pursuing an M.A. for Elementary Education, as well as a teaching license. I currently work as a paraprofessional in a kindergarten classroom. And, I’m excited to get to know the youngest members of our community through Sunday morning activities!
